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Gemba Kaizen: Learn from the Master of Lean Management, Masaaki Imai (download ebook for free)


A gemba walk interview checklist template, also known as a process walk interview checklist, is a tool used by managers to determine how employees go about a normal workday. Understand what your employees are doing and why they do it and identify challenges. As one of the core principles of kaizen, it places managers in a better position to collaborate with employees and document actions and solutions formulated to solve issues.

gemba kaizen ebook free download

Written by Masaaki Imai, pioneer of modern business operational excellence and founder of the Kaizen Institute, Gemba Kaizen, Second Edition is an in-depth revision of this renowned, bestselling work. The book reveals how to implement cost-effective, incremental improvements in your most critical business processes. Global case studies from a wide range of industries demonstrate how gemba kaizen has been successfully used to:

The methods presented in Gemba Kaizen, Second Edition reveal that when management focuses on implementing kaizen (incremental, continuous improvement) in the gemba (the worksite) unique opportunities can be discovered for increasing the success and profitability of any organization.

Kaizen is a daily process, the purpose of which goes beyond simple productivity improvement. It is also a process that, when done correctly, humanizes the workplace, eliminates overly hard work (muri), and teaches people how to perform experiments on their work using the scientific method and how to learn to spot and eliminate waste in business processes. In all, the process suggests a humanized approach to workers and to increasing productivity: "The idea is to nurture the company's people as much as it is to praise and encourage participation in kaizen activities."[7] Successful implementation requires "the participation of workers in the improvement."[8]People at all levels of an organization participate in kaizen, from the CEO down to janitorial staff, as well as external stakeholders when applicable. Kaizen is most commonly associated with manufacturing operations, as at Toyota, but has also been used in non-manufacturing environments.[9] The format for kaizen can be individual, suggestion system, small group, or large group. At Toyota, it is usually a local improvement within a workstation or local area and involves a small group in improving their own work environment and productivity. This group is often guided through the kaizen process by a line supervisor; sometimes this is the line supervisor's key role. Kaizen on a broad, cross-departmental scale in companies, generates total quality management, and frees human efforts through improving productivity using machines and computing power.[citation needed]

Gemba Kaizen: A Commonsense Approach to a Continuous ImprovementStrategy, Second EditionBOOK DETAILHardcover: 448 pages Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education; 2 edition (June 13, 2012) Language: English ISBN-10:0071790357 ISBN-13: 978-0071790352 Product Dimensions: 6.3 x 1.3 x 9.2 inches Shipping Weight: 1.8 pounds (Viewshipping rates and policies) Customer Reviews:Book DescriptionPublisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity,or access to any online entitlements included with the product. The definitive, fully up-to-date guide to continuousimprovement in the workplace "An updated version of a classic book that shares a wealth of new healthcare examples andcase studies from around the world. The methods in this book will help you improve quality and safety, reduce waitingtimes, and improve the long-term financial position of your organization. Highly recommended!" --Mark Graban, authorof Lean Hospitals and coauthor of Healthcare Kaizen "Every business faces the iron triangle of quality, cost, and delivery.Conventional thinking claims you cannot have all three. Not only does Mr. Imai turn that thinking on its head, but heshows you exactly how to do it." -- Matthew E. May, author of The Elegant Solution and The Laws of Subtraction"Masaaki Imai has done it again. The second edition of his famous book not only describes all the tools necessary for anytype of business to implement a lean strategy but also includes a large number of excellent case studies." -- Art Byrne,author of The Lean Turnaround Written by Masaaki Imai, pioneer of modern business operational excellence and founderof the Kaizen Institute, Gemba Kaizen, Second Edition is an in-depth revision of this renowned, bestselling work. Thebook reveals how to implement cost-effective, incremental improvements in your most critical business processes. Globalcase studies from a wide range of industries demonstrate how gemba kaizen has been successfully used to:Maximizecapacity and reduce inventory at Unga Limited, one of Kenya's largest flour-milling operationsChange the IT culture atAchmea, a large European insurance firmExceed customer expectations at Walt Disney World in the UnitedStatesImprove quality at Inoue Hospital in JapanTransform retail processes at Sonae MC, Portugal's largestemployerPractice daily kaizen at Tork Ledervin, a weaving plant in BrazilStamp out muda at Sunclipse, an industrial

During the past 27 years since Kaizen was first published, manyhave lookedfor and asked what is next? but many times they areoverlooking what isdirectly in front of them. We must go back tothe basics and ask how wellwe have kept a steady, long-term focuson kaizen. Everyone in the companymust work together to followthree ground rules for practicing kaizen inthe gemba:

The third ground rule of kaizen practices in the gemba is stan-dardization. Standards may be defined as the best way to do thejob. Forproducts or services created as a result of a series ofprocesses, a certainstandard must be maintained at each process inorder to assure quality.Maintaining standards is a way of assuringquality at each process andpreventing the recurrence of errors.

Supporting these rules of kaizen is the foundation of the houseofgembanamely, the use of such human-centered activ ities aslearningtogether, teamwork, morale enhancement, self -discipline,quality circles,and suggestions. These are all methods not only forgenerating improve -ments in safety, quality and cost, but positivemeans to kaizen and developour people.

Management (especially Western management) must regain thepowerof common sense and start applying it in the gemba. These low-costpractices will provide management with the opportunity for afuture phaseof rapid growth via innovationsomething Westernmanagement excelsat. When Western management combines kaizen withits innovativeingenuity, it will greatly improve its competitivestrength.

I wish to recognize and thank everyone who has taken up kaizen.Themany cases and explanations of kaizen which are documented inthis secondedition are the fruits of the many workers, engineers,administrators, nurses,officials, managers and professionals whopractice continuous improvementand were engaged in gemba kaizen atour clients sites around the world.This book is truly a result ofteamwork, collaboration and the kaizen spiritat work.

Besides those whose names appear in the book, I am particularlyindebted to Professor Zenjiro Sawada at Kurume University, whogave methe inspiration for the House of Gemba Management throughhis bookVisual Control of Factory Management (published in Englishin 1991 fromNikkan Kogyo Shinbun); Ichiro Majima, Dean of Facultyof BusinessAdministration of Miyazaki Sangyo Keiei University, whoprovid ed muchvaluable information in writing this book; Kaizen consultants KenjiTakahashi, Yukio Kakiuchi, and many others who workedtogether with usin giving many gemba kaizen sessions at the clientssites around the world.

Today, organizations worldwide from manufacturers, to hospitals,tobanks, to software developers, to governments are making adifference byadopting kaizen philosophies, mind-sets, andmethodologies. Even thoughthe names of these strategies may changeover the decades from continuousquality improvement and totalquality management, to just-in-time andoperational excellence, tosix sigma and lean manufacturing, the mostsuccessful of thesestrategies are customer-focused, gemba-oriented,andkaizen-driven.

To realize the ideal JIT production system, a series of kaizenactivitiesmust be carried out continuously to elimi nate non-value-adding work ingemba. JIT dramatically reduces cost, delivers theproduct in time, andgreatly enhances compa ny profits.

Following the chapters of this book, I have assembled a numberof casesthat illustrate how various companies from bothmanufacturing and servicesectors have implemented the concepts andsystems of gemba kaizen.

Adoption of the word gemba has lagged behind adoption of thekaizenconcept in the world. This is unfortunate but understandable;being presenton the gemba can be a greater mind-set and behaviorchange than simplydoing kaizen.

Within Japanese industry, the word gemba is almost as popularaskaizen. Joop Bokern, one of the first kaizen consul tants inEurope, hadworked at Philips Electronics N.V. in Europe asproduction manager, asplant director, and finally as corporatequality manager. Bokern said that

whenever he visit ed a Japanese company, he had a rule of thumbtodetermine whether the company was a good one or not. If, in hisconver -sation with the Japanese manager, he heard the word kaizenwithin the first5 minutes and the word gemba within the first 10minutes, he concludedthat it must be a good compa ny. Bokernsexample shows that kaizen andgemba are sub jects close to managershearts and that they often make deci -sions based on theirunderstanding of their gemba. 2ff7e9595c


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