SDR# SDK for Plugin DevelopersThis package contains a zero-setup Visual Studio 2022 solution with a few plugin examples from the main software distribution. These examples illustrate the Graphical and DSP APIs in many scenarios along with full Debug/Release configurations. An integrated SDR# instance is configured as a host for your plugins and is automatically launched by Visual Studio when debugging.
One of the main drawbacks of the RSP has been that it does not have any official software associated with it. The closest competitor, the Airspy has the free official SDR# software, but the RSP relied only on third party programs like HDSDR and SDR-Console.
studio 1 sdr software download
That is set to change today as SDRplay have announced the release of their SDRuno software, a free general purpose software defined radio program for the RSP. SDRuno is a customized version of the Studio1 software which SDRplay acquired the rights to last April. The full press release is quoted below:
Our support for SDRuno in no way lessens our commitment to support HDSDR, SDR Console, Cubic SDR or ANY other software solution where the authors are willing to work with us. We fully recognise that many people have strong preferences for particular pieces of software and we do not want to do anything to undermine the options that people have to use their favoured software packages. Indeed, our view is quite the opposite. Our objective remains aim to have our hardware platforms support any and every SDR package out there. This of course may not be possible, but it is our philosophy and part of the ethos of our company.
The software can be downloaded at SDRuno comes with a full manual (pdf) and SDRplay fans and beta testers of SDRuno have also released a free SDRuno cookbook guide (pdf). From the cookbook it appears that SDRuno is also compatible with any SDR that supports ExtIO modules, like the RTL-SDR, although as noted in the press release functionality for other radios may be reduced. We look forward to being able to test the software out, and post a review within the next few days.
The author of SDRTouch on Android recently announced support for the SDRplay. SDRTouch is a Android program similar in operation to PC based software like SDR#. To access the beta you can sign up at this link. Currently there is support for up to 2 MHz of bandwidth.
We now have an updated beta version of ADS-B for both the Raspberry Pi 2 and 3. This is based upon the 16bit Mutability version of dump1090 developed by Oliver Jowett and unlocks the full 12 bit performance of the RSP1. People should see a significant performance improvement over the dump1090_sdrplus version, which was based upon 8 bit code. The latest beta version can be downloaded in binary form from _adsb.html . Should anyone have questions or feedback, please contact [email protected]
The last major piece of news is that SDRplay have now acquired the Studio1 SDR software. Studio1 is a paid SDR program, similar in nature to SDR#/HDSDR/SDR-Console. Like HDSDR, Studio1 is a spinoff from the old WinRad software. Their press release reads:
SDRplay Limited has today announced that it has reached an agreement with Sandro Sfregola, (formerly CEO of SDR Applications S.a.s.) to acquire all Rights, Title and Interest in Studio 1 a leading software package for Software Defined Radio applications.
Studio1 was developed in Italy by SDR Applications S.a.s. and has hundreds of happy customers around the world.Studio 1 is known for its user friendly stylish GUI, CPU efficiency and advanced DSP capabilities, including features notavailable on other SDR software packages.
Studio1 was developed in Italy by SDR Applications S.a.s. and has hundreds of happy customers around the world. Studio 1 is known for its user friendly stylish GUI, CPU efficiency and advanced DSP capabilities, including features not available on other SDR software packages.
If they drop the dongle copy protection it may be possible to run on linux with wine. If they do drop the dongle and give the software free for sdrplay owners I will definitely look into running it with wine.I already had success with hdsdr and sdrconsole with a bit of glue code: -wine-fakedll/wiki
Our company offers standard software like TFORMer, TBarCode and Barcode Studio. Universal data acquisition tools like TWedge or Scan-IT to Office, an Android/iOS app for mobile data collection, complete our portfolio. Custom solutions are available on request.
All the previous pages dealt with the hardware side of SDR. This page covers the software side - the software needed to interface the radio and PC, or to add additional functions, such as digital decoding
Like last time, we tried to include as much diversity in terms of prices, applications, frequencies, and ease of use. Our hope is the perfect software defined radio for your application is on this list.
KiwiSDR is a software-defined radio (SDR) covering shortwave, the longwave & AM broadcast bands, various utility stations, and amateur radio transmissions, worldwide, in the spectrum from 10 kHz to 30 MHz. The KiwiSDR is a custom circuit board (cape) you connect to the BeagleBone GreenorBeagleBone Black computer. You simply add an antenna, power supply, and network connection. Software supplied on a micro-SD card.
The perfect device for learning software defined radio, on the cheap. Amateur radio, ADS-B, police & fire scanning, trunking, satellite images--you name it, this little guy can probably do it. Outperforms many devices 10x its cost!
Full compatibility with a wide variety of popular SDR software packages, such as Matlab, HDSDR, SDR Touch, Planeplotter, SDR#--too many to list, really. We're talking Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, Raspberry'd be hard-pressed to find somewhere you can't use these!
This is an RTL-SDR software defined radio receiver with RTL2832U ADC chip, 1PPM TCXO, SMA F connector, R820T2 tuner and aluminum case with passive cooling. Tunes from 500 kHz to 1.7 GHz with up to 3.2 MHz (2.4 MHz stable) of instantaneous bandwidth. (HF mode works in direct sampling mode - V3 models and above only). Perfect for use as a computer-based radio scanner with free software like SDR#, HDSDR, SDR-Radio, Linrad, GQRX or SDR Touch on Android. Works on Windows, MacOS, Linux, Android, and even embedded Linux computers like the Raspberry Pi.
This model has several improvements over other models. It uses the improved R820T2 tuner, comes with a 1PPM TCXO (no drift and accurate tuning with a 2 PPM initial offset and 1 PPM temperature drift), improved component tolerances, redesigned PCB, cooling improvements, extra ESD protection, and an SMA F connector. It also comes with a software activatable bias-tee circuit for powering external devices such as LNA's and active antennas.
A full, wide-band RF solution for those interested in getting started with software defined radio and with a keen interest in HF bands.The NESDR SMArt HF Bundle utilizes a well-designed upconverter--the Ham It Up--to receive HF, NOT direct sampling hacks. This results in a vastly different HF experience--much better performance, and no loss of gain controls.Included is a Ham It Up v1.3 upconverter, installed in a custom black aluminum enclosure; an NESDR SMArt RTL-SDR, 3 antennas, an impedance matching balun for longwire and dipole antennas, and interconnect adapters.
In addition to this there is software plugin - SDR Network Control Box plugin , that can be used with Winrad, HDSDR, Studio1 this allows control of the AFE822x SDR-Net parameters (frequency, RF gain/attenuation etc...) and reception of the UDP I/Q data stream.
The SDR Control software was written using Qt Cross-platform application framework from Nokia, so both Windows and Linux software versions can be compiled and have similar Graphical User Interface (GUI) under both operating systems .
The DXZoneNewsReviewsLinksInside DXZone Ham Radio SoftwareAntenna ProjectsTechnical ReferenceDXingHam Radio Equipment Radio Equipment Manufacturers Shops & Services Operating Operating Modes Operating Aids Listening Shortwave Listening Radio Scanning Online Receivers WebSDR Police Scanners More CB Radio Antique Radio (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle []).push( google_ad_client: "ca-pub-2945231451060325", enable_page_level_ads: true );Home : Software : Software Defined RadioSDR Techincal informationSoftware Defined RadioWebSDRMost Popular.ad_slot_1 width: 320px; height: 100px; @media(min-width: 500px) .ad_slot_1 width: 468px; height: 60px; @media(min-width: 800px) .ad_slot_1 width: 728px; height: 90px; (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle []).push();WINRAD by I2PHDWinrad is a free software program designed to implement a Software Defined Radio (SDR), meant to run under Windows XP, Windows 2000, or Windows 98SE. In a nutshell, it accepts a chunk of up to 96 kHz coming from a complex mixer in form of two signals, I and Q, fed to the PC sound card.
SDRadioA software defined radio by Alberto I2PHD
DreamOpensource software implementation of a DRM Receiver. Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM) is a new digital radio standard for the long-, medium- and short-wave ranges
DSP-10 2-meter DSP transceiverThe DSP-10 is an amateur-radio, software-defined 2-meter transceiver that can be built at home. It operates not only on SSB, FM and CW, but also on four Weak-Signal modes. Features are tailored to operation on VHF, UHF and Microwave frequencies. By W7PUA
WiNRADiO CommunicationsPioneering the integration of radio and personal computing, WiNRADiO Communications are the manufacturers of award-winning range of computer-controlled WiNRADiO receivers for professional and amateur applications.
FlexRadio Systems - Software Defined RadiosFlexRadio Systems delivers the first truly open source Software Defined Radio transceiver for Amateur Radio use. Receive Only versions are also available for non Amateur Radio applications. Read the SDR Articles and the SDR-1000 Product Information.
Rocky Software for SoftRock40SDR software for SoftRock40 freeware by Alex VE3NEA
iSDRiSDR is a software defined radio application compatible with the Apple iPhone, iPod touch and iPad. iSDR is designed for experimenters, shortwave listeners, and amateur radio enthusiasts who would like a truly portable software-defined radio receiver.
OpenSDR -- Software Defined RadioThe Open SDR Project
LinradAn open source software defined receiver for Linux, Free DSP and Windows
Software defined radio Links (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle []).push();CATSync- The CAT Tool for WebSDRs. Allows to control public WebSDR receivers with a real rig connected via CAT control to your computer. It supports the classical WebSDR as well as Kiwi SDR interfacesTune the VFO of your radio and see the web SDR follow in realtime[ Hits: 303 Votes: 4 Rating: 7.75 ]CubicSDR- CubicSDR is a free SDR receiver which is based on the liquid-dsp libraries. Run under Linux, Windows and Mac OS X[ Hits: 1722 Votes: 1 Rating: 10 ]CuteSDR- CuteSDR Open-Source application forMacOSX , Linux, and Windows designed to run with RFSPace SDR receiver[ Hits: 4733 Votes: 3 Rating: 6.67 ]dogparkSDR- dogparkSDR is a native Macintosh visual radio display and interactive control software for any Flex Radio Systems[ Hits: 586 Votes: 0 Rating: 0 ]Dream- Opensource software implementation of a DRM Receiver. Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM) is a new digital radio standard for the long-, medium- and short-wave ranges[ Hits: 15636 Votes: 17 Rating: 6.29 ]Dream DRM Receiver- Open-Source Software Implementation of a DRM (Digital Radio Mondiale) Receiver. Dream runs on virtually any pc and requires a receiver front-end to work as a real radio.[ Hits: 1002 Votes: 2 Rating: 10 ]DRM Software Radio Project- The DRM Software Radio is based on the proven Fraunhofer DRM engine, which is considered to be the most advanced DRM engine today, built around fully licensed proprietary DRM encoding technology.[ Hits: 4034 Votes: 4 Rating: 7.75 ]DSP-10 2-meter DSP transceiver- The DSP-10 is an amateur-radio, software-defined 2-meter transceiver that can be built at home. It operates not only on SSB, FM and CW, but also on four Weak-Signal modes. Features are tailored to operation on VHF, UHF and Microwave frequencies. By W7PUA[ Hits: 15422 Votes: 38 Rating: 7.98 ]FlexRadio Systems - Software Defined Radios- FlexRadio Systems delivers the first truly open source Software Defined Radio transceiver for Amateur Radio use. Receive Only versions are also available for non Amateur Radio applications. Read the SDR Articles and the SDR-1000 Product Information.[ Hits: 11958 Votes: 13 Rating: 5.77 ]Free PowerSDR Skins- Download free skins for PowerSDR, a SDR client appliction. Skins provided by W1AEX[ Hits: 1207 Votes: 5 Rating: 7.8 ]GNU Radio - GNU FSF Project- GNU Radio is a collection of software that when combined with minimal hardware, allows the construction of radios where the actual waveforms transmitted and received are defined by software[ Hits: 3786 Votes: 2 Rating: 7 ]GQRX- GQRX is a free and simple to use SDR receiver which runs on Linux and MacOS X. GQRX comes with a standard FFT spectrum and waterfall display and a number of common filter settings[ Hits: 1013 Votes: 2 Rating: 5.5 ]High Performance Software Defined Radio- The HPSDR is an open source hardware and software project intended as a next generation Software Defined Radio for use by Radio Amateurs[ Hits: 2932 Votes: 4 Rating: 9.75 ]iSDR- iSDR is a software defined radio application compatible with the Apple iPhone, iPod touch and iPad. iSDR is designed for experimenters, shortwave listeners, and amateur radio enthusiasts who would like a truly portable software-defined radio receiver.[ Hits: 9340 Votes: 16 Rating: 8.12 ]Linrad- An open source software defined receiver for Linux, Free DSP and Windows[ Hits: 5613 Votes: 4 Rating: 7.5 ]M0KGK SDR Decoder Software- KGKSDR is my attempt at some SDR decoding software. I'm putting this software together purely as a learning exercise, to better understand the mathematics behind SDR in general.[ Hits: 4004 Votes: 10 Rating: 8.1 ]MDSR- Modulator-Demodulator Software RadioA radio communication system where modulating and demodulating components are implemented using software on a personal computer or other embedded computing devices using by a converter.[ Hits: 884 Votes: 29 Rating: 7.96 ]MiniDeluxe- MiniDeluxe is a light-weight replacement for Ham Radio Deluxe that provides interoperability with FlexRadio's PowerSDR and Ham Radio Deluxe's Logbook and digital mode programs[ Hits: 2617 Votes: 0 Rating: 0 ]MNM4SDR- Remote SDR software, if both a windows client that allow you to manage a remote Raspberry PI connected to a a RTL SDR and a Raspberry PI RTL-SDR server.[ Hits: 650 Votes: 0 Rating: 0 ]MultiDem- USB LSB AM Modem (Modulator/Demodulator) for SdR and DSB (direct conversion) transceivers by F6CTE[ Hits: 4140 Votes: 2 Rating: 6.5 ]NaP3- Na3P Panadapter Software[ Hits: 1170 Votes: 0 Rating: 0 ]Open Source SDR- Modular Software Radio, at sourceforge[ Hits: 4533 Votes: 2 Rating: 8.5 ]OpenSDR -- Software Defined Radio- The Open SDR Project[ Hits: 6458 Votes: 6 Rating: 7.83 ]OsmocomSDR rtl-sdr- The RTL-SDR software by Osmocom, allow DVB-T dongles based on the Realtek RTL2832U to be used as a cheap SDR.[ Hits: 2992 Votes: 5 Rating: 7.2 ]PA3FWM's software defined radio page- Experimenting with the new way of building a radio receiver known as "software-defined radio". This page gives some information about this project.[ Hits: 3967 Votes: 15 Rating: 6.07 ]QIRX- Software Defined Radio, QIRX is 64-Bit software, based on TCP/IP raw data, running with any RTL-SDR dongle being driven by rtl-tcp.exe.[ Hits: 253 Votes: 0 Rating: 0 ]QRadioLink- QRadioLink is a Linux analog/digital SDR transceiver application with Codec2 digital voice mode support.[ Hits: 630 Votes: 3 Rating: 5.67 ]Rocky Software for SoftRock40- SDR software for SoftRock40 freeware by Alex VE3NEA[ Hits: 10801 Votes: 9 Rating: 9.89 ]SDR Sharp- SDR# (read SDR Sharp) is a high performance Software Defined Radio application. SDR sharp is a fully featured SDR capable of handling samplerates from kHz level soundcards up to multi hundred MHz dedicated samplers, thanks to its multi-core architecture.[ Hits: 2377 Votes: 8 Rating: 7.5 ]SDR Touch - Android SDR- Turn your android mobile phone or tablet into an affordable and portable software defined radio scanner[ Hits: 5530 Votes: 29 Rating: 5.45 ] is a Windows console for SDR receivers and transceivers. Designed for the commercial, amateur radio and short-wave listener communities, the console provides a powerful interface for all SDR users. Many SDR owners have made their radios available over the internet. Just look at the Web Servers page for a list of the radios you can use. You do not need a licence to use this sodftware with RFSPACE, FUNcube Dongles, Soundcard (SoftRock) and low-end SDRs.[ Hits: 3096 Votes: 4 Rating: 6.75 ] is a Windows console for Software Defined Radio (SDR) receivers and transceivers. Designed for the commercial, government, amateur radio and short-wave listener communities, the software provides a powerful interface for all SDR users[ Hits: 817 Votes: 2 Rating: 10 ]SDRadio- A software defined radio by Alberto I2PHD[ Hits: 18956 Votes: 25 Rating: 7 ]SDRangel- SDRangel is an Open Source Qt5 / OpenGL 3.0+ SDR and signal analyzer frontend to various hardware TX & RX Software Defined Radio. SDRangel uses sample source plugins to collect I/Q samples from a hardware device.[ Hits: 111 Votes: 1 Rating: 6 ]SdrDx - OSX and Windows SDR Software- OSX/Mac and Windows versions of SdrDx. Supports RFSPACE, FunCube Pro, Andrus MK1.5, AFEDRI, FunCube Pro Plus, Peaberry, RTL sticks (RTL supported under OS X only, via this OS X RTL server) and Softrock SDR receivers.[ Hits: 819 Votes: 2 Rating: 10 ]SDRplay - SDRuno- SDR software for SDRPlay RSP1, RSP1A, RSP2, RSP2PRO.SDRuno is an advanced Software Defined Radio Application platform which is optimized for use with SDRplay's range of Radio Spectrum Processors[ Hits: 412 Votes: 0 Rating: 0 ]SDRPlusPlus- SDR++ is a cross-platform and open source SDR software with the aim of being bloat free and simple to use.Multi VFO, Wide hardware support (both through SoapySDR and dedicated modules), SIMD accelerated DSPCross-platform (Windows, Linux, OSX and BSD), Full waterfall update when possible. Makes browsing signals easier and more pleasant, Modular design (easily write your own plugins)[ Hits: 155 Votes: 0 Rating: 0 ]Sigmira- Sigmira is a free Software Defined Radio (SDR) application program that runs on Windows and Linux. It operates with with an external conventional receiver, RFSpace SDR-IQ, RPSpace SDR-14, or networked receiver[ Hits: 1892 Votes: 2 Rating: 10 ]SoDiRa- Windows Software Defined Radio SDR for analogue and digital modulation types. Can decode AM and FM+RDS radio as well as DRM/DRM+ and time signals DCF77/HBG. Sodira supports the use of the RTL-SDR through use of the ExtIO_RTL2832.dll module. Demo version available.[ Hits: 1491 Votes: 9 Rating: 7.55 ]sodiraSDR - Software Radio- Software Defined Radio (SDR) for analog and digital modulation modes, can demodulate AM envelope, AM synchronous, AM stereo, LSB, USB, FM, FM Broadcast, DRM30, DRM+[ Hits: 304 Votes: 3 Rating: 8.67 ]SpectraVue- A Windows based Spectral Analysis/Receiver Program primarily used with the SDR-IQ, SDR-14 , SDR-IP, RF capturing hardwares[ Hits: 1349 Votes: 1 Rating: 9 ]Studio1- Studio 1 is a Paid windows SDR software defined radio application, supports Tmate and Tmate2 USB control consoles, for better tuning and control.[ Hits: 597 Votes: 5 Rating: 3 ]Texas Intruments Software Defined Radio- Sundance SDR, TI software defined radio solution[ Hits: 3868 Votes: 2 Rating: 7 ]The Pecker- The Pecker is a software application that emulates an existing hardware amplifier tuning aid operated in SSB mode as apposed to CW or AM. As such no carrier is used by G7EIX[ Hits: 796 Votes: 6 Rating: 10 ]WinRad- Winrad is a software program designed to implement a so-called Software Defined Radio (SDR), meant to run under Windows XP, Windows 2000, or Windows 98SE[ Hits: 3040 Votes: 8 Rating: 8.25 ]WINRAD by I2PHD- Winrad is a free software program designed to implement a Software Defined Radio (SDR), meant to run under Windows XP, Windows 2000, or Windows 98SE. In a nutshell, it accepts a chunk of up to 96 kHz coming from a complex mixer in form of two signals, I and Q, fed to the PC sound card.[ Hits: 19941 Votes: 29 Rating: 5.79 ]WinradHD- HDSDR is a free SDR (Software Defined Radio) application for Windows. Common usage is Radio listening, Ham Radio, SWL, Radio Astronomy, NDB-hunting and Spectrum analysis. HDSDR (former WinradHD) is an advanced version of Winrad, written by Alberto di Bene I2PHD[ Hits: 3616 Votes: 9 Rating: 7.22 ]WiNRADiO Communications- Pioneering the integration of radio and personal computing, WiNRADiO Communications are the manufacturers of award-winning range of computer-controlled WiNRADiO receivers for professional and amateur applications.[ Hits: 14657 Votes: 25 Rating: 6.4 ]Zadig Windows 10 RTL-SDR Driver updated- If you want to use an RTL SDR USB dongle with Windows 10 and you experience problems, you may find this free utility very useful[ Hits: 1893 Votes: 5 Rating: 4.8 ]Zeus Radio - Software Defined Radio- Zeus Radio program is designed specificallyfor the ZS-1 transceiver and supports all thebasic functions (RIT, XIT, SPLIT, Noise Reduction,Auto Notch Filter, etc.) in order to workin the broadcast brought only pleasure.Zeus Radio works also with Hermes, Anan, Afedri, Red Pitaya, HiQSDR, Odyssey, Extio, RTL-SDR, Peaberry, Winradio, SDR-IQ, Afedri[ Hits: 429 Votes: 1 Rating: 8 ].cc-windowopacity:1;transition:opacity 1s 1s,,.cc-revoke:hovertransform:translateY(0).cc-growermax-height:0;overflow:hidden;transition:max-height,,.cc-windowposition:fixed;overflow:hidden;box-sizing:border-box;font-family:Helvetica,Calibri,Arial,sans-serif;font-size:16px;line-height:1.5em;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;-ms-flex-wrap:nowrap;flex-wrap:nowrap;;max-width:24em;-ms-flex-direction:column; 1.8em;width:100%;-ms-flex-direction:row;;,.cc-close,.cc-link,;display:inline-block;,;padding:.4em .8em;font-size:.9em;font-weight:700;border-width:2px;border-style:solid;text-align:center; .cc-btn:first-childbackground-color:transparent; .cc-btn:first-child:focus,.cc-highlight .cc-btn:first-child:hoverbackground-color:transparent;;position:absolute;top:.5em;right:.5em;font-size:1.6em;opacity:.9;,;left:3em;border-bottom-left-radius:.5em;;left:3em;border-top-left-radius:.5em;;;> .cc-messagedisplay:block; .cc-compliance-ms-flex:1;;;right:0;;right:0; .cc-message-ms-flex:1;;display:flex;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;-ms-flex-line-pack:justify;>.cc-btn-ms-flex:1;,.cc-windowdisplay:none@media screen and (max-width:900px).cc-btnwhite-space:normal@media screen and (max-width:414px) and (orientation:portrait),screen and (max-width:736px) and (orientation:landscape),,;; .cc-compliance-ms-flex:1;;; .cc-compliancetext-align:center;display:inline;-ms-flex:none; .cc-messagemargin:2em 2em .cc-btnmargin:0;padding:.8em 1.8em;"load", function()window.cookieconsent.initialise( "palette": "popup": "background": "#000" , "button": "background": "#f1d600" , "theme": "classic", "position": "bottom", "content": "message": "Cookies help us to deliver our services. By using these services, you agree to the use of cookies on our part.", "dismiss": "ACCEPT", "link": "MORE INFO", "href": " " )); Find more links about Software defined radio with Google Custom Search Engine Search Software defined radio with DuckDuckGo or with Bing(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle []).push();SoftwareACARS ADS-B Aircraft scatter Android Antenna analysis Antenna rotor control APRS Audio Recorders Audio Streaming Awards tracking Beacon Monitoring Browser extensions Circuit Design Clip Art Collections Contesting D-STAR Databases Decoders Developer Resources Digital SSTV Digital Voice DRM DSP DX Cluster EME Filter Design Front Panel Design Grid Bearing and Maps Ham Exam Hellschreiber Internet Linking iPhone JT65 Legacy Systems Linux Log Analysis Log Converters Logging Low Frequency Macintosh Morse Code Decoders Morse Code Training Multimode Navtex NBEMS Olivia Oscilloscope Packet Packet Cluster PIC Programmer Propagation PSK31 QSL Radio Control Radio Programming Repeater Control RF Coverage Mapping RF Design RTTY Satellite tracking Shortwave Signal Generator Software Defined Radio* Spectrum analyzers SSTV Time Utilities Vector Network Analyzer Virtual Audio Software Virtual Serial Port Voice Keyer Voice tools Weak Signal Weather and FAX Search The Search only in "Software defined radio"Software : Software defined radioAdd a new link(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle []).push();About The DXZone.comThe DXZone is the largest human created and maintained library of web sites dedicated to Amateur Radio, currently lists 20.000+ links organized into 600+ categories and subcategories. Ham Radio operators review new sites every day since 1998, for potential inclusion in the Directory, and to evaluate the best place to list them.Free for your SiteAdd our 2ff7e9595c